Meet Nicole Rueth Branch Manager, SVP In the YouTube video, Nicole Rueth from the…
Meet Dario Medrano
Also join his 30,000+ followers on TIK TOK: @askdario
We have been discussing the “old way” vs the “new way” of promoting your business for the last few years in-depth here at Vonk. For a full breakdown download the case study you can see to the right of this post. We break it done step by step. It’s worth the read. Page 18 has a side-by-side.
Today we discuss with Dario influence, reach, content, and how embracing vulnerability can help you grow your business in any market. He is a real-life version of what we have been talking about.
Dario understands the power of marketing and providing value in the market in advance of any return. And today he took some time to share with all of us.
Our goal with these client interviews is to hopefully spark some creativity in you. We all have something to offer the world, in our own words, and there has never been a better time to do it. The social platforms have removed any barrier to entry to get your message out there.
There’s already a Dario Medrano. Now it’s time for you to find your voice, the value you can create, and shine as well. Enjoy!